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Care and Maintenance

To assure the longest life and preserve the beauty of your quartz stone, follow these simple tips:


There is no need for harsh chemicals: for simple cleaning, all you need is a dab of soap with warm water, and wipe with a soft cloth.


Never use full strength bleach, or abrasive powders, or scrubs. Such products will cause the surface to appear dull or inconsistent. 


Quartz is maintenance free and requires no sealing or polishing. In addition, never apply any sealers, penetrants, or topical treatments to quartz.

Approved Disinfectants

  • 70% Isopropyl Alcohol solution.

  • Homemade spray mixture of 4 teaspoons of bleach and 1 quart of water. Let this solution sit on the surface for 60 seconds, then wipe with a dry cloth. Next, rinse the surface with clean water and dry with a soft cloth.

  • Spray Lysol® Disinfectant and wipe with a soft cloth.



Quartz is maintenance free and requires no sealing or polishing. In addition, never apply any sealers, penetrants, or topical treatments to quartz.


Heat Can Be Dangerous

Sudden or excessive heat can damage quartz and other types of surfaces. Make sure to prevent this by using hot pads or solid trivets placed between the hot item and the surface of the slab.

Corrosive chemicals cleaners can damage quartz (and other surfaces, for that matter.) The list of approved cleaners (above) are safe and get the job done. 

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